Hi, my name is Mohammed
I'm the Full-stack Web Developer.

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I am a passionate self-learner with over 1.5 years of experience in programming, focusing on back-end development. I have solved 100+ problems on LeetCode, showcasing my strong problem-solving skills. I have built desktop application using the .NET framework and SQL Server. Eager to transition into a professional role, I am looking to start my career as a junior ASP.NET Core developer.

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This is first project in React, i built this web app using RCA, Tachyions for styling, then fetch the front-end with fake api using JSONPlaceholder. Also, i created components and container, adding Error Boundry component to log errors. I faced many difficulties, one of them how to update project's dependencies.

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Face Detection App

In this simple project, I used different dependencies like @tsparticles/react to make the background full of life. Also, I used react-tilt a tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax hover tilt effect for ReactJS. Furthermore, I used the power of Tachyons to design register and sign-in form components, Finally, I felt more comfortable dealing with and manipulating the designed components.

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Project Title 2

If the project was collaborative, reflect it in this description, that will demonstrate communication and/or leadership skills. Additionally, if you made use of the mastery of a second language, it will reflect on you professionalism.

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